Once you get a collection of settings you like, you will want to be able to instantly recall the set-up.

The STREAMSEQUENCER_PRESET file allows you to capture key settings and do just this. You add preset entries into this file using the following simple format:

PRESET: {preset name}
TRANS: {midi value},{midi value},{midi value},{midi value},{midi value},{midi value},{midi value},{midi value}
REV: {"true" or "false"},{"true" or "false"},{"true" or "false"},{"true" or "false"},{"true" or "false"},{"true" or "false"},{"true" or "false"},{"true" or "false"}
ENV: {envelope number}
GRAIN_DELTA: {sample size coefficient relative to sequencer rate}
TEMPO: {time in seconds per sequencer step}
DELAY_SCALAR: {delay time coefficient relative to sequencer rate}

Be sure to use these exact parameter names followed by a colon that appear at the begnning of each line above. For example:

TRANS: 43, 0, 127, 64, 43, 117, 0, 117
REV: true, true, false, true, true, false, true, false
ENV: 0
TEMPO: .21875

When the software first initializes, it will display your preset settings as they load in from the STREAMSEQUENCER_PRESET file.

If any of the parameters described on a line of the preset file is un-important to you (like the REV line is omitted in each of the presets within the STREAMSEQUENCER_PRESET file provided with the software) or you simply don't want these values to change when changing presets, simply omit that line from your preset.

While running the software, you can switch between the first three preset entries in the STREAMSEQUENCER_PRESET file by sending value 127 from continuous controllers 77, 78, and 79 respectively.